Our Service/Solution
Our Technology
What is TracPracⓇ?
TracPracⓇ is a secure web-based mobile tracking and evaluation solution for Nursing clinical education. Now it's possible to collaborate and manage clinical data in a digital environment without piles of paper to maintain. TracPracⓇ allows students and instructors quick access to communicate clinical evaluation data, follow clinical feedback, and promote practice-ready professionals!
Advantages For Students:
- Eliminate paper records-Submit and Review daily clinical learning activities for simple submission
- Access custom skills checklists to set clinical priorities
- Accurately verify Check-in location & time at clinical sites with GPS location services
- Practice SBAR eform communication for better communication with the healthcare team
- Snapshot your progress with export/print options of Performance Reports
- Real-time Chat with your instructor(s) for HIPAA compliant communication
- Scan & Export certification cards into TracPracⓇ Clinical Wallet to meet compliance requirements
- NEW! Share digital Reflective Journaling assignments with Instructors
Advantages For Instructors:
- Reduce paper records-Track and Evaluate student clinical learning experiences
- Share real-time feedback for students to practice future preformance
- Guide students to prioritize skills from instant access to skills checklists
- Accurately verify check-in location & time at clinical sites with GPS location services
- Assign SBAR eform to improve clear communication and reduce anxiety for students
- Access quick reports to identify strengths and gaps in performance
- Real-time Chat with your educators, clinical nurses, & students for HIPAA compliant communication
- Assign individual remediation plans for students or share program recommendations for improvement.
- NEW! Share digital Journal Reflection weekly summaries with Students for continuous quality improvement feedback.
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